Cultivating Health in Our Systems: We created Custody Peace to raise awareness around post-separation coercive control and how this impacts the conditions and outcomes in the family court system, as well as in our schools, workplaces, and various other institutions. The goal is to improve conditions within these systems through education/awareness so that cycles of abuse are replaced with natural cycles of health for everyone involved, especially children. We know it can be extremely challenging for everyone to navigate through our various systems in the extremely complex area of child custody/care and our goal is to provide all involved, including parents, educators, judges, lawyers, lawmakers, law enforcement, and concerned citizens, with the tools they need to best support the well-being and safety of children (based on the latest research), while also improving their own health and the health of the system as a whole. When our systems at large support and protect victims-survivors of coercive control and all forms of abuse, they empower them, support their healing, the healing of children, and the healing of our communities in every way imaginable.

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Custody Peace

Custody Peace

Nurturing the emergence of a world where cycles of abuse are replaced with natural cycles of health, healing and regeneration.